RRA Solomon's
RRA Solomon's Nathalie was born at Rocky Run Alpacas on May 4, 2004. We visited Rocky Run on May 5, 2004,
and Marcia absolutely feel in love with Nathalie, 1-day old. The rest is history. She is nicknamed
"baby" and is the darling of our herd. Nathalie is dark silver gray with magnificent fiber. She has a
solid body structure that contributes towards her excellent conformation. Her parents are King Solomon of KPR
(a full Peruvian gray) and Acero Marka's Flower.
The top left picture is Nathalie with her daughter Amidala, born October 4, 2008. The top center
picture shows Nathalie with her son Romeo, born September 19, 2007. The top right picture shows Nathalie
with her first baby girl Padme, born September 21, 2006.
In the bottom picture, Nathalie received a first place in her halter class at the 2005 SEPA