Perkiomen Amidala was born on October 4, 2008, to RRA Solomon's Nathalie. Her sire is Marquis of Ore
Hill. She is a full sister to Perkiomen Padme which is very obvious when they are side-by-side. She is
a rose gray and like her mom and sister, her conformation is sound with solid bone structure. Amidala's
fleece is fine with a soft handle. Her disposition is as sweet as her mom's.
In the top picture, Amidala took the reserve grand champion at the SAFONA 2009 alpaca show. In the next
picture, Amidala took a blue ribbon at the SEPA 2009 alpaca show. In the lower right picture is Amidala in
Spring 2009 and in the lower left is Amidala in Spring 2010; note the more rose gray color in 2010.